Semi-Fictional Character of the Day #day6

February 22, 2014

‘The Semi-Fictional Character of the Day’ is a joint, one-month project by Louiza Mallouri and Constantinos Xenofontos. Constantinos will be sketching a semi-fictional figure every day, and Louiza will be writing an accompanying storyline, as inspired by that character. The aim of this project is to explore the way two semiotic systems, the visual and the linguistic, interact and complement each other to tell a story.

semi-fictional character day6

The Professor is expecting me, pacing the corridors, ready to reprimand me for my tardiness. I arrive. He acknowledges my presence with a glare and rushes down the staircase. I follow. We are greeted by a guard who takes us through the cobbled path, past the library, into a small walled garden. The Professor studies our shadows. This would be the last time we see them. The town’s bell peals begin. It’s time.

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